How To Have A Reducetarian Christmas

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us… Christmas! A holiday that’s full of festive cheer, lots of giving, and also lots of eating. We all deserve to treat ourselves to the best Christmas banquets of all this year, so let me share a few tips on how you can have the most wonderful reducetarian Christmas ever.

Do Research

The word ‘research’ makes it seem so boring, when I actually mean just spend time scrolling through blogs and Pinterest to find the perfect Christmas recipes! Feel free to check out the reducetarian Pinterest page, which features new and exciting recipes every day.

Prepare New Recipes Ahead Of Time

Once you have decided which recipes you want to go for I would recommend doing a practice run or two so that you can ensure it goes well for the big day.

Let The Host Know

If you’re not spending Christmas day at your own house, don’t be afraid to let the host know about your diet. You could perhaps give a couple of recommendations on dishes, depending on how flexible they are.

Bring Your Own

If for whatever reason, you can’t ask the host what food they are planning to serve, you can certainly bring your own! It isn’t rude to prepare your own food and bring it, as long as you intend on sharing with everyone else, too.

Try Out Substitutes

The world of plant-based substitutes is all-too exciting sometimes, and it’s just getting better and better. Try your best to be open-minded and branch out to vegan brands such as Tofurky, Gardein, and Quorn. There are countless products from countless brands, which is why you are bound to find a few things that you enjoy.

Don’t Stress

If you arrive on Christmas day to find that there are not many options for you, don’t stress! It’s not your fault and it’s out of your hands, so don’t feel guilty if you have to eat more animal products than you would have liked to. What’s so great about the reducetarian diet is that you can reduce as little or as much as you want, there aren’t any strict rules.

Recipe Inspiration