Reasons You Should Cut Down On Animal Products This Christmas

More people are reducing their intake of animal products than ever before, which means that it’s also becoming easier to do so.

If you’ve ever dabbled in the world of reducetarianism (AKA cutting down your consumption of animal products) or are simply interested in the idea, allow me to convince you why a reducetarian Christmas is the way to go!

Plant-Based Options Are Amazing

Plant-based products are everywhere, on social media, in restaurants, supermarket shelves, and even advertised on television. The global plant-based meat alternatives market alone is expected to hit $3.6bn in value this year and increase to $4.2bn in 2021, that’s not even taking plant-based dairy, seafood, or eggs into consideration. You needn’t worry about missing out on Christmas food because there’s plenty of option for those wanting to reduce their intake of animal products, from plant-based ‘turkey’ to festive wellingtons.

Christmas Is About Kindness

Christmas is a time for love, kindness, and compassion, and that should count for all creatures, not just humans.

The industrial animal agriculture industry is cruel and exploitative, with many factory farms treating animals poorly and keeping them in poor conditions. As slaughterhouses across the USA were forced to close due to Covid-19, horrific stories of the abuse and mistreatment of factory-farmed animals surfaced.

By deciding to eat fewer animal products and opt for plant-based alternatives, you’re impacting the supply and demand system. If fewer people eat animals, then fewer animals will be killed.

It’s More Sustainable

Many people will likely be setting new year’s resolutions with the aim to live more sustainably, so why not start early at Christmas? By eating more plant-based products, you will be reducing the carbon footprint of your Christmas day.

You Might Feel Less Sluggish

Have you ever experienced that post-Christmas dinner slump? You’re full of cheese, meats, and decadent desserts, and you’re just about ready to settle down for a long nap. Plant-based foods tend to have the opposite impact on the body as they’re easier to digest. If you’d like to skip the bloated Christmas dinner feeling, then reach for the plant-based options instead!

You’ll Save Money

If there’s any time of year that we’re all keen on saving some extra money, it’s Christmas! Fortunately, cutting down on animal products isn’t just great for your health and the planet; it’s good for your wallet, too. On average, meat-eaters spend $23 more per week on groceries than vegetarians and vegans.

You Won’t Be Alone

Nearly one-fourth of Americans are now eating plant-based meats, and 41% of US households now buy plant-based milk, too. You likely already know of several people in your life that are reducetarians (yet do not necessarily label themselves as such), and it’s also no longer uncommon for people to entirely cut animal products from their diet (AKA vegans). So there’s no need to feel alone this Christmas if you do decide to eat less meat, dairy, and eggs than usual.